Saturday, June 22, 2024

Teens who struggles today..., will be stronger tomorrow.

 "Teens who struggles today..., 

will be stronger tomorrow." 

 worried about future?

Hello dear parents, 

please understand us, accept us; as we are and support in the times of crisis.

Teenage life is a roller coaster ride for a teenager. People says that one should enjoy the teenage phase but the reality of a teenage is very difficult.  Secondary and higher secondary years with two board exams, how can a TEENAGER enjoy?

Children are very excited to experience their teenage phase, but they’re not aware of the upcoming consequences. There are so many issues for example – family pressure, academic pressure, social pressure, hormonal changes, infatuation etc. Most of the teenage problems comes from the family only, or rather expectations of parents due to social status.

If the environment at home and the family relationships are not good, then the teenager would face identity crisis. The emotional health of a teenager is very important, especially considering that during the ages of 13 or 14, their mind is often in a delicate state. It is said that these are the main teenage years for shaping their emotional and physical health.

It suggests a correlation between a positive family environment and the emotional health of the teen, implying that a supportive family setting can contribute to the well-being of the teen's emotional health. Supportive, understanding and friendly parents lead to a happy and confident teen.

Many parents in India are still orthodox, due to this their teen faces some serious problems of getting away from parents. It highlights a situation where parents might have restrictive or overprotective tendencies, such as not allowing their child to have opposite gender friends or not permitting them to leave the house alone.

It emphasizes the importance of parents respecting their teen's need for privacy and personal space within the parent-teen relationship. They should always listen to their teen without being judgemental and they should support even if some mistakes occurred.

And then comes academic pressure, some parents are so supportive regarding their academics, but there is always some unsaid pressure for them due to society they live in. There are many parents, which scold their teen, even if the teen is in top five. The parent’s focus is on small mistakes and bigger achievements are ignored.


Parents should always support and encourage their teen, never causing them to feel disappointed or discouraged or depressed. A teenager also faces challenges in school. Friendship plays a very important role in every teen’s life. Sometimes friendships can be tricky. Attitudes change and sometimes that can affect friendships too or heartbreak.

But don't worry, there are still plenty of good friends out there! It's all about finding real good friends, who treat you with kindness, understand and respect, and who make you feel happy and supported, even one can cry on their shoulders.  And remember, being a good friend yourself is super important too. In the rollercoaster ride of teenage life, remember to embrace every twist and turn, for they shape the person you're becoming.

So, hey teens, keep smiling, keep dreaming, and keep shining bright, because the adventure of being a teenager has just begun! 

Sweet sixteen.. 13..2..19... solah baras ..koi to samajao.... 💭💭💭

Viha Waghela

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