Saturday, June 22, 2024

Let get things done Today itself!

 Let get things done Today itself!

A Key to Achieve Excellence

Hi Teens, How is your time passing...? 

Tick Tick, Tick Tock.. 

Clock and Heart beats 24X7...... so use evey moment of this life NOW!

In this fast world, everyone is loaded with lots of pressure, especially we, the teenagers. The tasks to complete are more in comparison to the 24-hour clock. Although, we figure out to complete the tasks by deadline, it takes away our precious “self-time” due to lack of time management skills. This often leads to missing over our own interests. So, how about mastering these techniques so that we can live a balanced life? This article aims to provide TEENs a different perspective over managing time. It is specifically targeted for students, providing an alternative option to handle their daily practices.

Time management is considered as one of the smart skills of the this century. An individual managing time effectively is considered to be a well-disciplined, knowledgeable and influencing figure for the rest of the society. A student’s life (especially teenagers) is full of academic, co- curricular activities, extra- curricular activities, learning worldly lessons, following their hobbies, interests and many more. Therefore, there is requirement to manage time efficiently that can help them maintain their life.

In reference to a student’s life, time management is generally being considered equivalent to that of making up of a time table. This time table usually divides the 24-hour clock into 7-8 different slots covering up just 4-5 monotonous activities almost every day. These activities consist of daily chores, study time, school hours, homework time, sleep and in few cases, quality time with family. In all these, usually, the student does not get time for their own hobbies and interests, getting them stuck in a monotonous cycle of just academic pressure.

To overcome this, if one keeps their goals fixed rather than working with the timetable, it can prove out to be more fruitful. For instance, keeping a goal of completing a number of topics by the week is a good option rather than keeping the timetable fixed with specific subjects for specific days (concept of to-do-list rather than following a timetable). Based on one’s mood, one can understand and learn the topic more fun way rather than being pressurised about working in a monotonous way. Through this approach, one can give equal importance to their hobbies, interests and also enjoy at the same time.

There’s another aspect as well. Many a times, students make up time tables and wish to work in complete correspondence with it. For instance, if the study time is scheduled at 4:00 p.m., and the individual is getting to start at 3:50 p.m., usually one gets engaged with some non-productive activity waiting for the time to be exact 4. These activities may include using social media for entertainment purpose or taking a nap etc. In reality, when one checks the time after a while, its already 4:20 p.m. and the wait starts again for exact 4:30 p.m. to start the task. What it suggests is that working in too much correspondence with time is usually seen as detrimental to manySo, to overcome this problem, one should start up with their routines whenever they feel like doing it. Waiting for an exact start is not a requirement. And, once we start doing that work, we would eventually bring an end to it.

Moreover, when one gets exhausted, small breaks usually help in refreshing our minds for a new start again. It is generally advised to keep gadgets away while studying as it helps to focus over studies. The best break can be doing our hobbies in between. (e.g. Sketching or painting a little bit, having a nature walk etc.)

In brief,

·       Where timetables help in making our routines monotonous, the concept of to-do-list, helps in completing our tasks with better potency.

·       Also, the process of learning becomes fun and actually, we complete more tasks while following our check list.

·       To enhance this process, one can also reward themselves for accomplishing the tasks (e.g. going out on weekends or gifting something to ourselves). The act of rewarding makes up do more tasks with greater potential.

(To note, the above-mentioned strategy is one perspective of achieving excellence. It may or may not work with everyone. Therefore, its necessary to understand one’s capabilities and then work as per for better results.)

BYE.... tik.....tik....tik

Dhaniya Mehta

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