Saturday, June 29, 2024





TEACHERS will have to learn video editing, video making, image and text mixing. 

Black board, green board days will soon be over.... 
White Smart board, computer Internet multimedia presentations will be there to replace stereotypes. ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, ANY SPEED newage learning pedagogy....

One live lecture will be broadcasted over many classrooms in different States of India.  Like DPS (delhi Public School) will have audio visual content creator studio in one of the city. They will transmit lecture to all its school at the same time using internet video conferencin facilities. Local teacher will be only act as a facilitator between all students. Offline recording will be made available from virtual library, so learning will become ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, ANY SPEED....... Students can learn at their own convinience, at their own pace. Frequently asked questions will be availble. New quations and answers can be uploaded. 

Learning process itself will change. School Uniform, Bus services, Running around will take backseat and learning will become more important. ..


Indian teachers have to upgrade and adopt new technologies

CBSE have already initiated for content creating facilities to meet the future changing demand.

SAMSUNG and other suppliers are wotking on whiteboard interactive education solutions.

Apoorva Badge

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Are our sons and daughters physically fit?

 Are our sons and daughters physically fit?

Parents to become Role Model for Teenagers

Hey parents, How are your children?

- are you focusing on Physical development?

- are you giving QULITY time for emotional development?

- are you understanding the importance of puberty and maturity of reproductive and sexual organs in son as well as daughter?

Parents as well as school education system is responsible for poor health of school children. Sports, athletics and physical activities are lacking in school and in childhood and teenage.

Parents and teachers are focused on 90% plus marks in SSC, HSC, and to clear NEET JEE EXAMS to get admission in medical and engineering colleges.and for that take away time from the lives of school children, mainly teenagers. Schools may not have enough playgrounds and other space to allow sports, atheletics, games...etc..

The teenage years are very important for physical development for boys and girls. Body maturity starts during PUBERTY, but no one understands and take care of... Height and skeleton growth will be only upto 19 years or so. Sexual organs like Scrotum, Penis, Uterus, Ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix, breasts all will grow during teenage an become mature for reproduction.

I see in my society, parents are lifting school bag of the child from residence to bus stand.. around half kms walking within society, even for children studying in std II and above or say 8 years plus.... Parents pamperrs their children beyond limits. 

Skipping is one activity which can be done alone and daily if you do not have other friends or playground.

Daily running and jogging with parents if possible.

report on adult population physically unfit.

Apporva Badge

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Mission for Self Learning, Peer learning and Group learning.

  Mission for Self Learning, Peer learning and Group learning.

Tired of text books study?  WAKE UP!!

Hello Parents and teens !! please, Wake Up... 

Only textbooks and classroom learning of few subjects are not enough.Time and years never comes back.... so utilise wisely... overall personality development and career can be visualised and developed during teenage itself.

Students studying in Std. VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, & XII can work on future long-term requirement of overall personality and their selected career goals. They will learn from early stage througgh self learning, peer leearning and group learning process outside the classrooms. Once they are motivated themselves, learning life skills, professioanl skills, communication skills will become easy. It is a slow but sure proces of grooming YOURSELF.

We would like to create awareness on IMPORTANCE of learning and excelling language Communication Skills for Group Discussion (GD), Personal Interview (PI), Essay writing and Presentation for any entrance test or projects. The skills can only be developed through knowledge based on other reading, writing, observing, listening, participating. These soft skills are a must, even for employability in other services sectors or business.

‘Physical, Emotional & Reproductive developmental issues during Teenage’.

The major physical and reproductive changes (maturity) occur during the growth spurt of Puberty and result into emotional issues and behavior of Adolescence development. Better understanding of biological and psychological growth will help to cope with the developmental phase of teenage.

Our teensNparents counseling and grooming online services for teenage boys and girls is here to help parents and teens. Let us make joint efforts for better PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL & REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH of our teenage children for their bright professional life and happy married life.  Parents and Teachers should also be involved to reach our ultimate objective of Adolescence Education to groom our children with skills. 

Do let me know over Email  to understand self learning, peer learning and group leaning process to groom oneself for future career in life. See the group learning and peer learning process at teensNparents in this video. click on link below:

Dr. Jyot is an alumni of IIM and MSU alumni, He had taken up this mission. Teenage development is also an implementation of his Ph.D. research analysis (2002-06), on ‘Marketing of Adolescence Education’. Teenage Facilitator    Ask Question to:  9978613218  

Miss Apoorva Badge, is our EDITOR and content writer, she is communication skills motivator, content creator and social media marketer. She has done Graduation Fashion Communication 

Miss Varsha Uppula,
An IT professional helping us to create website and blogs for teensNparents. Generative AI certified trainer and impart awareness to students.

Parents and teens can ask Question in comment box of every article or join us on WhatsApp numer 9978613218 or join our whatsapp group through request on same number.

Teen students can write articles on teenage related topics and they can make their video article and submit over whatsapp 9978613218 

Shifting Career Options & Expanding potential

 Shifting Career Options & Expanding potential

(During Preteens & Teenage years)


Hi Teeeeeens!!!!,
We all might have dreamt to become someone during chilhood and teenage.... May be Pilot or Teacher or doctor or cricketer or police or dancer or actor.... We had role models in our mind..... And as we were growing,  our dream career options were shifting one by one due to various reasons. Do not get confused, do strenth and weakness analysis for career options in our minds, so that we can work on our weaknesses at the earliest.....

“Shifting Focus” completely revolves around the life of us.  SHIFTING FOCUS”, changing the decision for career in life. Children in their preteen years aspire to become like their parents or the teacher. While during teenage aspire to become engineers, doctors, cricketers or pilots etc.

However, only few of them end up pursuing their childhood and teenage dreams. Future career choice for life is completely unpredictable.  Students can expand their thoughts, by exploring as much as possible on career options. Nowadays children never settle for one achievement or interest; they always shift their focus, and of course, this will slowly and gradually increase or expand their potential as time pass by.

The focus also shifts due to some financial issues, or unable to get desired marks or due to family and peer pressure, which result into the career selection without the interest. Parents pressure is faced by majority of teenagers.

For instance, a student belonging to a middle-class family may have a passion for art and craft, but his or her parents are worried about the future career and income and decide to opt for career without real interest of the student. The student understands and happily obey the parents to support them financially in future.

However, in doing so, the student’s dreams are sacrificed, it’s no one’s fault; it’s just not the right time to pursue the dreams or hobbies. Others may choose to pursue their passions despite the challenges. However, if one pursues the dream, there will definitely be great career opportunities and satisfaction. Pursuing dreams can be beneficial, but one cannot be sure that it will lead to earning, because, in the end, most people work primarily to earn money and live comfortably.

While there may be great potential, but success not guaranteed, it is a risk. Shifting focus is not inherently wrong; as mentioned above, the middle-class student can still run a business alongside the career admitted in. The shift in focus made here has proven to be very beneficial, as the student can pursue a career and earn as per the professional degree he or she is admitted as well as can also run a side business and can make some extra income and satisfaction. This may gradually improve the potential for success.

Nirja Surati

Love yourself, you are the BEST!

 Love yourself, you are the BEST!

Daily look in the mirror

and say “You are the best”

Hey teeeens!! 
Lots of love ðŸ’•ðŸ’• & flowers, to my best readers. 

Have you seen the person in your mirror today, who is the best person 💗, you have been meeting every day!

People these days seem very judgmental through physical looks only. Girls and boys are judged more often based on their body shape, size, color, height, etc. It is observed that people do not appreciate the inner beauty of a person; but judge them only by their looks.

It seems as if BODY SHAMING starts from the house itself. A major role in body shaming a child is played by the parents, followed by relatives and the people who stay around. This directly or indirectly leads to social anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and body dysmorphia.

Terms such as  ‘Fatso’, ‘moti,’ ‘patli,’ ‘kaali,’ ‘chhoti,’ ‘golu,’ ‘baby elephant,’ .... etc., are examples of labels of body shaming. The major reason behind this phenomenon is the unrealistic beauty standards perpetuated by representation in movies, TV serials and advertisements. Additionally, some people even believe that the receptionist, Air-hostess, Heroine should be good looking to attract the viewers / customers.  The most demanding is matrimonial match highly dependent on physical looks and color complexion of skin. When someone faces frequent rejections in their career or love life or marriage prospects due to their body and looks, it can lead to depression, loneliness and heartbreak. Additionally, not receiving equal opportunities, despite of being worthy of, can erode their self confidence and contribute to social anxiety.

 While there isn’t a quick fix for body shaming, cultivating a culture that values acceptance, empathy, and understanding can aid in lessening its impact. Few ways to address body shaming include:

1] Daily look into the mirror and say “You’re the BEST” 💗, Love yourself, your complete body is the best gift you have received from God and your parents.

2]  Positive thinking to keep healthy mind in healthy body by proper diet and physical activities. Learn various skills to improve your personality mainly communication .

3] Look at so many Role Models who have reached fame through different skills and profession and not just by physical looks.

4] Families should be the first one to accept the child as she/he is without any labeling.

5] Friends make you feel good, so build good friendship and grow together. Partcipate in various events and competition to make team.

“So please stop body shaming others. It doesn’t look good. Instead, encourage other and spread some positive vibes.”  


And, it stars with you, you love yourself first......... be the best friend of the person in your miror.   

Bye dear.......


Nirja Surati

Rijul Goswami


Teens who struggles today..., will be stronger tomorrow.

 "Teens who struggles today..., 

will be stronger tomorrow." 

 worried about future?

Hello dear parents, 

please understand us, accept us; as we are and support in the times of crisis.

Teenage life is a roller coaster ride for a teenager. People says that one should enjoy the teenage phase but the reality of a teenage is very difficult.  Secondary and higher secondary years with two board exams, how can a TEENAGER enjoy?

Children are very excited to experience their teenage phase, but they’re not aware of the upcoming consequences. There are so many issues for example – family pressure, academic pressure, social pressure, hormonal changes, infatuation etc. Most of the teenage problems comes from the family only, or rather expectations of parents due to social status.

If the environment at home and the family relationships are not good, then the teenager would face identity crisis. The emotional health of a teenager is very important, especially considering that during the ages of 13 or 14, their mind is often in a delicate state. It is said that these are the main teenage years for shaping their emotional and physical health.

It suggests a correlation between a positive family environment and the emotional health of the teen, implying that a supportive family setting can contribute to the well-being of the teen's emotional health. Supportive, understanding and friendly parents lead to a happy and confident teen.

Many parents in India are still orthodox, due to this their teen faces some serious problems of getting away from parents. It highlights a situation where parents might have restrictive or overprotective tendencies, such as not allowing their child to have opposite gender friends or not permitting them to leave the house alone.

It emphasizes the importance of parents respecting their teen's need for privacy and personal space within the parent-teen relationship. They should always listen to their teen without being judgemental and they should support even if some mistakes occurred.

And then comes academic pressure, some parents are so supportive regarding their academics, but there is always some unsaid pressure for them due to society they live in. There are many parents, which scold their teen, even if the teen is in top five. The parent’s focus is on small mistakes and bigger achievements are ignored.


Parents should always support and encourage their teen, never causing them to feel disappointed or discouraged or depressed. A teenager also faces challenges in school. Friendship plays a very important role in every teen’s life. Sometimes friendships can be tricky. Attitudes change and sometimes that can affect friendships too or heartbreak.

But don't worry, there are still plenty of good friends out there! It's all about finding real good friends, who treat you with kindness, understand and respect, and who make you feel happy and supported, even one can cry on their shoulders.  And remember, being a good friend yourself is super important too. In the rollercoaster ride of teenage life, remember to embrace every twist and turn, for they shape the person you're becoming.

So, hey teens, keep smiling, keep dreaming, and keep shining bright, because the adventure of being a teenager has just begun! 

Sweet sixteen.. 13..2..19... solah baras ..koi to samajao.... 💭💭💭

Viha Waghela

Let get things done Today itself!

 Let get things done Today itself!

A Key to Achieve Excellence

Hi Teens, How is your time passing...? 

Tick Tick, Tick Tock.. 

Clock and Heart beats 24X7...... so use evey moment of this life NOW!

In this fast world, everyone is loaded with lots of pressure, especially we, the teenagers. The tasks to complete are more in comparison to the 24-hour clock. Although, we figure out to complete the tasks by deadline, it takes away our precious “self-time” due to lack of time management skills. This often leads to missing over our own interests. So, how about mastering these techniques so that we can live a balanced life? This article aims to provide TEENs a different perspective over managing time. It is specifically targeted for students, providing an alternative option to handle their daily practices.

Time management is considered as one of the smart skills of the this century. An individual managing time effectively is considered to be a well-disciplined, knowledgeable and influencing figure for the rest of the society. A student’s life (especially teenagers) is full of academic, co- curricular activities, extra- curricular activities, learning worldly lessons, following their hobbies, interests and many more. Therefore, there is requirement to manage time efficiently that can help them maintain their life.

In reference to a student’s life, time management is generally being considered equivalent to that of making up of a time table. This time table usually divides the 24-hour clock into 7-8 different slots covering up just 4-5 monotonous activities almost every day. These activities consist of daily chores, study time, school hours, homework time, sleep and in few cases, quality time with family. In all these, usually, the student does not get time for their own hobbies and interests, getting them stuck in a monotonous cycle of just academic pressure.

To overcome this, if one keeps their goals fixed rather than working with the timetable, it can prove out to be more fruitful. For instance, keeping a goal of completing a number of topics by the week is a good option rather than keeping the timetable fixed with specific subjects for specific days (concept of to-do-list rather than following a timetable). Based on one’s mood, one can understand and learn the topic more fun way rather than being pressurised about working in a monotonous way. Through this approach, one can give equal importance to their hobbies, interests and also enjoy at the same time.

There’s another aspect as well. Many a times, students make up time tables and wish to work in complete correspondence with it. For instance, if the study time is scheduled at 4:00 p.m., and the individual is getting to start at 3:50 p.m., usually one gets engaged with some non-productive activity waiting for the time to be exact 4. These activities may include using social media for entertainment purpose or taking a nap etc. In reality, when one checks the time after a while, its already 4:20 p.m. and the wait starts again for exact 4:30 p.m. to start the task. What it suggests is that working in too much correspondence with time is usually seen as detrimental to manySo, to overcome this problem, one should start up with their routines whenever they feel like doing it. Waiting for an exact start is not a requirement. And, once we start doing that work, we would eventually bring an end to it.

Moreover, when one gets exhausted, small breaks usually help in refreshing our minds for a new start again. It is generally advised to keep gadgets away while studying as it helps to focus over studies. The best break can be doing our hobbies in between. (e.g. Sketching or painting a little bit, having a nature walk etc.)

In brief,

·       Where timetables help in making our routines monotonous, the concept of to-do-list, helps in completing our tasks with better potency.

·       Also, the process of learning becomes fun and actually, we complete more tasks while following our check list.

·       To enhance this process, one can also reward themselves for accomplishing the tasks (e.g. going out on weekends or gifting something to ourselves). The act of rewarding makes up do more tasks with greater potential.

(To note, the above-mentioned strategy is one perspective of achieving excellence. It may or may not work with everyone. Therefore, its necessary to understand one’s capabilities and then work as per for better results.)

BYE.... tik.....tik....tik

Dhaniya Mehta

Communications skills for Teenagers

  Communication Skills for Teenagers


Hi Teens, 

Am I reaching you!💬💬💬 

Become Darling 💕 in every party through your excellent communication skills.

Hello parents; 

Do you know the “Importance of communication skills during TEENAGE of your child?

Becoming an adult has never been an easy journey. Every kid dream with eyes full of hope to reach for the stars and make their parents proud. However, once the transition phase to teenage begins, they go through a sudden shift on both physical and psychological level. With time, their innocence starts to fade and they start seeing the world and the people around them with new eyes. The kids whose world once revolved around their parents, now find their calling among their peers. They finally realise that the world is a lot bigger than they once thought.

While this change is natural and a necessary part of becoming an adult, more often than not, a lot can go wrong in this phase. For instance, being exposed to bullying, not being able to open up to their closed ones, feelings of inadequacy and isolation, dealing with peer pressure, feelings drawn to the opposite sex and not knowing how to handle it effectively, and the list goes on. The only means to be able to navigate this turbulent TEENAGE time, simply put in one word, is communication. Early intervention in helping the teens work on their communication skills can do wonders in ensuring that they have a bright future in their social as well as professional life.

Here are eight ground-breaking reasons why mastering this life skill can be a game changer for early teens:

1.     Nurture stronger bonds Human beings are social animals.

They crave connection and a sense of belonging as much as food and water. This desire to connect to people beyond their small world begins in childhood and grows overpoweringly during their teens. Developing the right set of communication skills helps teens thrive in their social life by finding like-minded people and developing bonds that stand the test of time. The communication gap caused between parents and teens due to mismatch in thought process also reduces as opening up fosters mutual understanding. This significantly reduces feelings of isolation and increases their overall satisfaction in life.

2.     Boost self-confidence

In early teen years, a volatile mix of peer pressure and insecurities can really send a teen’s confidence flying out of the window. They inadvertently start comparing themselves with their peers on attributes such as looks, height, personality, social status, etc. What these young minds need is a life-saving tool to help them express their unique selves in effective ways. Strong communication skills not only help boost a teen’s self-confidence, but also help them exit the mindset of unhealthy comparison. Additionally, they learn how to address concerns related to these uneasy feelings in a healthy way instead of withdrawing or escaping from them.

3.     Conflict resolution

Conflict is a part and parcel of life. But how teens choose to deal with it makes all the difference. Some teens are naturally vocal and can deal with conflicts head-on, while others are timider and more afraid to even speak up in class. But neither of these approaches can help teens deal with conflicts in a healthy way. A more constructive approach would be practising assertiveness, which only comes with strong communication skills. Assertiveness is about picking your battles and standing up for yourself, if required in a firm but respectful way. For instance, using ‘I’ statements makes the other party understand someone without getting defensive and active listening can make them feel more appreciated.

4.     Reduced anxiety and stress

Teenage is that time of a person’s life when hormones play ‘clash of clans’. While dealing with these newfound heightened feelings, it is only natural for teens to be stressed and overwhelmed. Moreover, hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol keep fluctuating frequently for teenagers and manifest in the form of irritability and mood swings. Hence, strong communication skills not only help them channel such feelings in a healthy way, but also teach them how to candidly talk about these feelings instead of bottling them up. This practice acts as a great stress buster and helps them approach any situation in a calm and logical way.

5.     Develop strong leadership skills

It’s worth wondering that some kids make really good leaders, while the rest of them prefer to be a part of the herd. While there is some truth to being a ‘born leader’ and leadership skills coming naturally to some teens, more often than not, these skills can be honed with practice. For that to happen, developing good communication skills is a great place to start. Being able to communicate your vision can inspire and motivate people to believe in that vision and work towards achieving it. Strong leadership qualities backed by good communication skills helps teens excel at public speaking and also thrive in their future careers.

6.     Make better decisions

In early teenage years, a confused state of mind becomes the new normal. Additionally, having limited knowledge of how the world works and not knowing how to tell right from wrong can have a significant impact on a teen’s decision-making. In this phase, what their equally clueless friends think of a certain thing often takes the centre stage. However, this might not be the best approach. With strong communication skills, teenagers learn how to approach the right people, actively listen and ask clarifying questions, weigh the pros and cons of a decision and express their doubts and concerns freely. Moreover, communication skills also teaches them invaluable skills such as saying ‘no’ and taking calculated risks while making a decision.

7.     Preparation for future endeavours

In every area of a person’s life, they are bound to deal with people. Hence, it is vital to be a lifelong learner of people skills, starting from early teenage years. The reason why it is important to start early is because unlike the fully developed adult mind, the teenage mind is still a work in progress. Hence, it is easier to mould teenagers into picking up communication and people skills. Learning these skills early helps teenagers build a strong foundation for thriving in their future endeavours. Being a great team player at work, having a rich social life and having a healthy relationship with romantic partners is nothing but having strong communication skills in essence.

8.     Better understanding of the world and self

It is a common misconception that wisdom comes with age. But in reality, wisdom comes through being exposed to different life experiences and learning the necessary life skills. These things can be learned and experienced at any age. By working on their communication skills at an early age, teenagers learn how to pick up on social cues, read the room better and deal with people in ways that fosters mutual understanding. They learn about the grey areas and nuances of the world. Moreover, teenagers also learn how to protect themselves from potential bad experiences and bounce back with resilience if things go south. Introspection is also an important part of good communication.

Hence, teens learn not only about the world, but also gain heightened awareness about their feelings and get a better understanding of who they are. There are countless benefits of learning how to effectively communicate as a life skill. It’s like a gold mine that never ceases to amaze people with what it has to offer. Hence, parents need to take initiatives on empowering young teens with this golden skill. Enrolling teens in interactive groups, encouraging them to try out for public speaking and providing them with a safe space to voice out their feelings freely and build trust in the process are some ways to help them succeed with people and as people.

Keep learning, keep interacting, keep gossiping, keep expressing, keep talking, ......!!!!

Apoorva Badge

An Art of Parenting TEENS for Father & Mother

    An Art of Parenting TEENS for Father & Mother , whose Children are in the age group 11-22 years. Early Adolescence period: Age Group...