Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Teen Boys & Girls questions, feedback & views during PhD of Dr Jyot


Teenagers questions and feedback and views

during Dr Jyot's Research work for PhD. 

1339 IX A RFN BRD In my opinion, every student of all the schools should fill the adolescence education questionnaire. This is the basic knowledge of life, which will be useful in whole life.

1278 VII A RFN BRD I like the open discussion on teenage Problems and Changes. The subject should be explained full to us.

1257 VIII B RFN BRD From adolescence questionnaire we have learned much more about ourselves. The quiz like questions should be held in every school.

1482 – IX BLD – JMN Subject related to body care (personal) should be in Syllabus. Seminar on adolescences is to be conducted. Public opinion should be speeded through electronic and print media.

1481 IX BRD – JMN Can you suggest any other method to increase height, other than exercise, yoga? Frankly, knowledge about reproduction is needed. During adolescences, why pimple / acne grow on our face?

1449 VII B RFN BRD Questionnaire was good and informative. Student should get the information to learn body development. As we grow up we should know the physical changes.

1433 VII A RFN BRD Teenage is too uncomfortable for certain problems, which are to be suffered by every one. Adolescence age has changes, which are totally different in life.

1432 VII A RFN BRD We should always be happy to others. We should share our problems with mother, friend or others.

1423 VII A RFN BRD To make friends is very important, otherwise who will help us in future. Behave very well with other relatives and talk in a proper way.

1527 VIII BLD JMN Health and hygiene check-up should be in school. One counselor must be there, who teach sexual heritage. Boys and Girls should mix around comfortably.

1523 VIII BLD JMN In School, improving personality is very important through public speaking. For body development and health, exercise is very important

1509 – IX BLD JMN Adolescence education is a good way to know about feelings, emotions, improve mind. By this way many boys can resist torture and child abuse by adult man. Girls can resist torture and sexual abuse by smart boys. Rape case can decrease.

1508 IX BLD JMN Adolescence questionnaire was good way to know personal feelings. Sex education should be started. English speaking to be increased.

1502 IX BLD JMN Sexual education to be started, so teenage will know the harmful effects of sexual contact with unknown person.

1488 IX BLD JMN Excess exercise is harmful before adolescence age. It resists growth of height of a man. There is a need for Adolescence Teacher who can convince teenagers. Due to lack of knowledge, teenagers take their wrong path.

1743 IX BKT NVS I liked that you came to my school and gave information on adolescence changes. I have increased attachment after learning from you with my parents.

1684 VII BKT NVS The adolescence questionnaire, I liked it. I felt that it was very important for our body growth.

1652 VIII BKT NVS This questionnaire on adolescence education has realized us about our adolescence changes very much. It will prove to be helpful to us for our future growth.

1608 VIII BKT NVS Adolescence questionnaire was good, but you should have added some more information about body's growth and how to treat these changes I the questionnaire.

1597 VIII BKT NVS I think that questions on physical changes are of no use for us at this early age.

1560 VIII BLD JMN There should be chapters in our science book on Health and Hygiene.

1545 VIII BLD JMN Health care and Service center should be opened in public school. Give more adolescence education on medical and research to people. Improve fast. Thanks for introducing to our school.

1926 IX B EXP SRT It was nice to answer questionnaire on adolescence education. You give us more information about puberty. Conduct more seminars and lectures.

1916 IX B EXP SRT Personality development is the most important thing for every possible dreams of our life.

1827 IXA EXP SRT We had never thought about all these adolescence changes happening to us during puberty. It is very good and lot of information to think about now.

1787 IXA EXP SRT Seminars workshop should be organized to make people aware and understand changes during adolescence. Information through books should be given.

1989 VIII B EXP SRT Give Information about why there is change in our feelings, such as desired to talk to a friend, increased irritation, I am not a kid any more etc.

1880 VIII A EXP SRT The questionnaire was good. We came to know about our problems and also the treatment for them.

1857 VIII A EXP SRT This is very nice to get puberty knowledge. It should be for every student.

2689 VIII B XVR AHD Life skill development during puberty period is very important for our personality development.

2851 MES IX BRD What is the most suitable age for growing beard and mustache? What is the ideal height for a 12 years old boy?

2986 MES IX BRD No one had explained to us on physical changes of puberty period. It will help in our life. I liked it very much.

2972 MES BRD Adolescence education should be taught continuously to make us aware about body development. Girls may be taught separately.

1955 IXB EXP SRT How hairs grow on some organs? Love occurs at which age? Can we forget our love?

2908 IX C XVR AHD Sex Education should be taught in school for preventing risks of child pregnancy. So conduct such courses.

2907 IX C XVR AHD Why are people under 18 year of age not allowed to drive car? Why are teenagers not allowed to watch sex videos on Internet in cyber cafés?

2899 IX C XVR AHD I appreciate the effort made to find out and students to give importance to exercise, health etc.

2897 VIII B XVR AHD Why does this adolescence age come in everyone's life?

2891 VIII B XVR AHD From this wonderful lecture we understood now that what kind of changes happening or needed in our life in this puberty period.

2884 VIII B XVR AHD Some lectures should be given about sex and reproduction. Also how to prevent HIV Positive?

1133 IX GFC BRD Adolescence education is more helpful to the student. We have to take care of the body. Do regular exercise, so that we get hungry. We will eat more and it will help in body growth. We should live peacefully with all elders.

1119 IX GFC BRD like lecture on Adolescence. It is very important for students in adolescence age. Good Personality for speaking, walking etc will help to grow and teenagers can feel comfortable.

1173 X GFC BRD It was good seminar on adolescence education for creating awareness of topics, which we do not discuss generally.

1167 X GFC – BRD Adolescence knowledge is very important. It is good that our school had promoted such knowledge by allowing you to come and give us such knowledge.

1165 X GFC BRD You should survey more about mental changes of students. Generally in adolescence age, depression prevails over teenagers. Even I suffered from depression in IX std..

1158 X GFC BRD   What should be done to remove pubic hair, because after shaving there is itching?   What should be done to reduce our annoying behavior?

1157 X GFC – BRD Adolescence education is most advantageous during the age of 15-18 years. It informs on health and sexual abuse. I thank you to help me about this. Please tell to others and make your program in public place.

1154 X GFC – BRD Everyone thinks that reproduction is a kind of joke. But it should be made to know that it is not a thing for laugh.

1151 X GFC – BRD Why a child feels ashamed to discuss about puberty changes to their parents?

1198 VIII GFC – BRD The questionnaire was good, but lesson on “Period” among boys can be avoided. Personality development was very good. Now I got my stamina back.

1407 VII A RFN BRD Personality development is very very important. It helps in our future. Also, with good personality, we can get good job and more things. If we walk nicely, then all can love us.

1393 IX B RFN BRD Please lower the burden of studies. Improve understanding from some teachers. Make teaching lovable by others.

1345 IX A RFN BRD Physical Development should not be discussed together with boys and girls. It is only necessary for an individual to know not for the full class.

Dr Jyot Mohan, PhD in Marketing
of Adolecence Education


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