Sunday, August 4, 2024

Improve your vocabulary in your brain to excel in language


Communication skills : Some dos and don’ts

Bring words into your brain memory

1. Never try to memorize lists of new words; you’ll probably forget them the next day. Words learnt by parroting them will not stay in your memory for long. Words learnt and understood are more likely to become part of your active permanent vocabulary.

2. If you come across any word that interests you or you do not know the meaning, you can first check the spelling from a dictionary or google, then the meaning and then how to spell it and pronounce it.

3. Practice the new word or expression. Make sentences using the word or expression. Try to think few times, during the day when you might use the word and repeat aloud to yourself that sentence with the new word you have learnt. As you practice try to construct a picture in your mind this will help you to remember better. Look out for opportunities to use the new word while talking to friends or relatives.

4. Last but not the least, extensive reading is a must. Start with an easy reading of short stories at first and slowly graduate to a novel, autobiography or any other material that appeals to you. Listening is not only for relaxation, but listen to news broadcast, documentaries, discussions and the like.

If you follow these rules religiously, you are surely on the way to be fluent in English, not only to speak but even to write better.

Apoorva Badge



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