Sunday, August 18, 2024

Breast, cyst, tumour, hair development during puberty teenage life


Development of breasts during puberty & teenage, cyst, hair growth.

SELF-EXAMINATION of breasts, should be learned by every teenage girl.

Mothers should do self-examination themselves and also teach the daughters on regularly self-examining own breasts, to find out any abnormal growth of Cyst or Tumour in the breast.

If Cyst like growth is found in the breast/s, please do regular check for its growth or its pain. If it is growing and paining, consult the gynaecologist.

Breast self-examination a must

Also, if some few hairs may grow around nipple on areola (darker skin around nipple), which are normal and NOT TO BE SHAVED!

If little fluid comes out sometimes from nipple is also normal. But if it is having foul smell and it is continuous, then consult gynaecologist.

Breast development is very important for teenage girls. It has emotional connection. It has body image connection. It has sexual arousal appeal. It does create confusions with peers and friends due to early or late growth, size of breasts.

The primary function of milk feeding to newborn is accomplished with any size and shape of breasts.

But secondary functions of body image and sex appeal is hyped by media and models and heroines. It is phycological attitude created by media to have bigger and firmer breasts. All sizes and shapes of breasts are normal and can fulfil the primary objective of producing milk for baby after delivery of child.

BREASTS are very important organs in the life of every female, be it a teenager, young one before marriage, or after marriage, after becoming mother of a child, thenafter till you live...!!

Dr Jyot Teen Mentor


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