Saturday, July 20, 2024

TEENAGERS, BE AWARE! Tobacco uses are the most preventable cause of Cancer death.

TOBBACCO use is the most preventable cause of death.

TEENAGE where one would like to try out smoking... 

maybe due to PEER PRESSURE!

We ourselves invite painful(CANCER) death early in our life. Cigarette smoking is a major cause of cancers of the lung, larynx, oral cavity, pharynx and esophagus. It is also a contributing cause in the development of cancers of the other parts.  It is easier to detect when it is in the earliest, most treatable stage. If we, ourselves stop smoking and chewing tobacco; the entire tobacco epidemic would virtually disappear in next few generations. The difficulty is that it will take a conscious decision by the youth not to use tobacco in order to achieve the goal of healthy body with good looks. Stained teeth will not be a good to look at your face.

All forms of tobacco contain NICOTINE, it is a natural part of the tobacco leaf. Majority of TEENAGERS, who experiment with tobacco smoking or chewing, may become addictedslowly. In its pure form, nicotine is a strong poison. A small dose of it, injected directly into the bloodstream, can kill a person. Nicotine works on the brain and other parts of the nervous system. Nicotine is absorbed into the bloodstream through the smoke in a smoker's lungs or through the mucous membranes in the mouth for snuff/chew users. Their bloodstream picks it up and it is quickly pumped by the heart right to the brain-all within a few seconds. Nicotine makes the heart beat faster. This, in turn, increases the breathing rate and causes the body to use more oxygen. It can increase blood pressure.
Is your kid PASSIVE smoking with you?

When people smoke tobacco for the FIRST TIME, the nicotine may make them feel sick to their stomach and dizzy. As they use tobacco more often, the unpleasant feelings go away and the tobacco user gets addicted to the nicotine and grows dependent on the mild stimulant effects. Tobacco users find they need more nicotine-and more and more-in order to get the same feeling they received originally. At that point, the person is physically addicted and will only feel comfortable when nicotine is in their system. Of all addictive behaviors, cigarette smoking and Pan / Gutkha chewing, are the one most likely to become established during adolescence. Passive smoking is also dangerous for persons present in that nearby environment, particularly family members, children, friends....


Most tobacco users make several attempts before they successfully quit tobacco use. Withdrawal symptoms (both physical and psychological) can be very challenging and last longer. It may also extends to DRUG ADDICTION in future.


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